Touristic attractions
On this page we will tell you about the different tourist attractions associated with Qhapaq Nan.
Enjoy reading!
Most famous places in Chile
Most touristic places of Qhapaq Ñan
Solar Temple of Hatun Canar, well known by its name Ingapirca, which it means ‘inca wall”.
There are different tourist places in Peru but one of the most iconic is Macchu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the world and the city of Cuzco, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.
Tiwanaku, an ancient archeological city were the Incas consider it as they origen place.
The most touristic places in Argentina are Humahuaca, the Pucara de Aconquija which is a World Cultural Heritage Site and the bridge of Inca Monument.
Narino is one of the most enviroinmentally landscape and culturally diverse, in the torrid zone of the planet.