Belgium report:

From 10 a.m. to 14 p.m.:

One member of each team was picked to collaborate with each other and to make decisions in regards of the website in general.

The decision we took are the fol lowing:

  • To choose a common layout for all the pages


  • To create all the pages so that we could create the menu
  • To choose the color palette based on the feedback from the students from Chile. We looked at each other’s mood boards and decided what was the best colors.



  • To choose a common typography: Archivo


The other members kept on working on the layout of the pages

From 14 p.m. to 18 p.m.:


We started the afternoon with a meeting with all the teams and we played a little game that the English students from Chile. We had to show some objects, photos, etc…

Then we went to our respective teams, where we answer the questions that were asked.

Then we discussed what was done the day before and this morning.

And decided what was needed for the day after.


Chilean report:

GENERAL: We were presented with the preview of the Belgium team, where they agreed on a common grid and color palette for all teams. The syllabus of the content to be investigated was established with the help of teachers.


IT STUDENTS: Computer science students reviewed a proposal submitted by their teacher on the navigation structure of the web page.


MULTIMEDIA DESIGN STUDENTS: An investigation was carried out and content was written for the web page. One of them advanced on the page sketch.

ENGLISH STUDENT: Research and content writing for the website. She was responsible for writing the content and creating the report in both English and Spanish.
